Welcome to the official site of the Cherryton time travel division. We aim to rediscover the mysteries of the past that have been long-since forgotten.
Check back often for more updates about new discoveries!

Worlds largest and most succesful tech company! We're known for creating the peach phone and computer, as well as inventing time travel! (only for the CTTD to use. Civilians are not permitted to use this technology.
Welcome to the official site of the Cherryton time travel division. We aim to rediscover the mysteries of the past that have been long-since forgotten.
Check back often for more updates about new discoveries!
A new year, a new adventure. Come along with us as we explore the past even further!
Cherryton is the oldest city in Floralia. The city was created in the year 1408 by settlers from the northern part of the continent. They built a castle on an island they found, a small landmass surrounded by a river.
One family- the Willoughby family, who helped the surrounding city grow with their agricultural expertise, lived in the castle, becoming the monarchy of the region. Soon, more and more surrounding cities saw the might of the Willoughby monarchy, and the cities agreed to work together under the monarchy, as well as creating a government with representatives from each city to work out the best ways to run the continent.
Cherryton has upgraded alot since its creation, and is considered the most technologically advanced city in the entire world. The oldest building still standing is the castle.
In the year 2011, the meteor known as X-13-2 broke the planet’s outer layer and hit the ground near the outskirts of Cherryton, CO.
No reported deaths were caused by the main meteor’s crash or its fallout, just by small meteorites that broke off the main meteor, hitting 2 buildings and a park when the meteor passed over the city.
In the weeks afterwards, reports of people gaining supernatural powers started pouring in from all over the world. From as simple as super strength and fire resistance to as rare as shape shifting and floating, millions of people gained “superpowers” overnight. In the months after, the royal scientific division began studying these newfound powers. They were able to determine the meteor x-13-2 was the cause.
Fun fact! The x-13-2 meteor was originally set to hit Cherryton, yet it changed its course last minute, crashing into the nearby moutain rainge. phew!
Queen of Erothia, Leader of the time travel project
likes: History, cats, earl grey tea
power: goat shapeshifter
Head researcher and historian of the project.
likes:History, baking
power: e
Time traveler
likes: fashion, bright colors, guitar
power: shapeshifter
Time traveler
likes:Space, travelling, minecraft
power:can tell if someone is lying